Songs from the Roadside by
Jeremy Sandford was a lifelong friend and supporter of the Gypsy community. In close collaboration with friends among Gypsy travellers, he collected and recorded here the traditional and modern songs which Gypsies are singing today. He visited direct descendants of the Gypsies who sang to Ralph Vaughan Williams when he was collecting folk songs in Herefordshire in the early years of the century.
The cover painting and fourteen line illustrations by Peter Upton, whose knowledge of horses and fine drawings made him a welcome visitor to Gypsy communities, include some revealing portraits of modern Gypsy life.
This is a book for those who are touched by the romance of life lived on the long roads and beneath the stars.
- 88 pp. 21 x 15 cms.
- Commercially printed paperback. 14 line drawings and 4-colour cover. Perfect bound. Bar coded.
- ISBN 1 870019 11 3.
- Price £7.50.